If you have a chimney, making sure it is clean is vital. Letting creosote and other debris accumulate can increase the risk of fire. However, cleaning a chimney is physically challenging, messy, and best left to the professionals. Hiring a chimney sweep to do the job will ensure that your chimney is cleaned thoroughly and that it remains safe to use. If you need to hire a chimney sweep, here are three things to keep in mind.

What Services Are Included

There are likely at least a few chimney cleaning services in your area, and before you select a chimney sweep, it's good to know what they offer. Most chimney cleaning services will remove creosote and debris, clean the chimney, and inspect it for problems. Many chimney sweeps will also tackle minor repairs and do an intensive cleaning of the chimney if necessary. Before hiring a chimney sweep, ask about what services they provide and what you can expect during their visit.

What It Costs

The cost of chimney cleaning services varies depending on the size and condition of your chimney. If your chimney hasn't been cleaned for a while, you'll likely end up paying more for these services. The ease of access to your chimney can also impact costs. For example, you may pay more for a sweep's services if you have a steep roof. The typical range for chimney sweep services is between $129 and $378. Experts recommend hiring a chimney sweep at least once per year. If you use your chimney often, you may require more frequent cleanings, while if you rarely use it, you can have more time between cleanings. 

How Long Chimney Cleaning Takes

Another thing to consider when hiring a chimney sweep is how long these services will take. For most chimneys, you can expect the cleaning services and inspection to take one to two hours. However, if your chimney is very dirty, requires repair, or is challenging to clean, your sweep will be there longer. If repairs are necessary, your chimney sweep may tackle them during your appointment or schedule a follow-up. 

If you are hiring a chimney sweep, there are a few things to know. First, you should discuss what chimney cleanings services are included before hiring a sweep. Second, the cost of chimney sweep services varies but usually will cost a few hundred dollars. Finally, chimney cleaning services only take a couple of hours for most chimneys. 
