When your home depends on a radiant system to heat it, the boiler is responsible for heating up the water while the circulator pump pushes it through the pipes to the radiators. If this pump starts to go bad, it will no longer be able to effectively circulate the hot water, and you will notice a marked decrease in the heat inside your house.
If you have noticed that your home feels cooler than normal, there is a possibility that the pump is already failing. Below are a couple of additional signs to look for when trying to determine if the boiler circulating pump for your home's radiant heating system is going bad and needs to be replaced by a professional.
1. Water Flow Pipe Coming from the Boiler Is Cool or Lukewarm to the Touch
One sign that your boiler has a failing circulator pump is when the water flow pipe coming from the unit is cool or lukewarm to the touch. Because the pump is pushing no or very little water through the pipes, the water inside the flow pipe will cool off rapidly.
To check the temperature of the pipe, hold your hand over the pipe without touching it. If you do not feel any radiant heat, grab a towel to shield your hand just in case it is hot, then hold onto the pipe. If there is little to no heat coming from the pipe, you should have a professional check the boiler's pump to see if it needs replacing.
2. Pump Has Started to Make Grinding or Shrieking Noises While Operating
Another sign the circulator pump is going bad is when you hear a loud noise while it is in operation. You may hear a grinding noise as the pump struggles to work, which means that the bearings inside are worn out.
You may also hear a shrieking noise that indicates a failing motor. If you hear either of these noises, turn off the heating system to prevent further damage, and call a replacement service to check out the circulator pump.
If the water flow pipe exiting the boiler feels cool or lukewarm, the pump is not pushing enough or any hot water through them, making it difficult for them to reach the radiant heaters. You may also hear a loud noise when the pump is in operation, indicating that the bearings are worn down or the motor is bad. If you are noticing these signs and your home is no longer being heated adequately, contact a contractor who offers boiler pump replacement services in your area.